World class clearers and maintanance tools to keep your bike, hands and fabrics as fresh as new

Tools & Maintenance

Shimano PRO Tire levers | PRTL0049, Set of 3

Rs. 350.00

Shimano Chain Wear Indicator | TL-CN42, Y12160000

Rs. 1,770.00

Shimano PRO Tool | TL-FC21 Peg Spanner

Rs. 290.00

Shimano Pedal Axle Removal Tool | TL-PD40 (Y42A09000)

Rs. 110.00

Shimano PRO Mini Toolkit | 8 Functions, Alloy 6061

Rs. 1,810.00

Shimano Bottom Bracket Cup Tools | TL-FC25, for SM-BBR60

Rs. 200.00

Shimano PRO Chain Removal and Assembly Tool | PRTL0119 for 9/10/11/12-Speed

Rs. 2,070.00

Shimano PRO Tool | TL-EW02 Plug Tool for Di2 E-Tube

Rs. 200.00

Shimano PRO Cassette Removal Tool Set, PRTLB032

Rs. 3,770.00