Advice & Tips filter by Old Bicycles

How do I sell my bicycle, and for what resale price to expect?

How do I sell my bicycle, and for what resale price to expect?

The best shop to get pre-owned bicycles in India at affordable cost is Cycling Boutique as we collect, curate and showcase old bicycles of great worthiness and life.

Regarding the resell value of an international bike:

Usually, bikes of premium etc of grade depreciate around 20-30% once it hits the road and is in use. Due to the higher quality of the bike, it may not depreciate much. But the second time buyers will be having their own sentiments over the bike's real worthiness. So ultimately, the price of the bikes will be aligning with the market demand and worthiness.
Consult Cycling Boutique support for selling or buying pre-owned bicycles and bicycle accessories in India

by Biju K on December 28, 2023


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